Bingo Strategies to Improve Your Odds of Winning

Bingo is a game of luck, give your luck a push with one of the following strategies:

1. Play as often as you can...

i. Have fun...Bingo is a game of chance. Visit with your friends and you will WIN once in a while. Some mathematicians believe that the secret to winning bingo is staying in the game as long as you can. If the game lasts long enough, your number will come up. Playing as often as you can is better than blowing up all your money on one game.

2. Play during the week when attendance is typically lower.

i. Buy as many cards as you can. This means choosing the least expensive level 1 option available. You will win less per game but you win more often. Make sure to purchase the 'bonus ball' (or whatever your hall calls the bingo add on). Some halls allow you to buy the 'add-on' just one time for all the cards you have purchased

ii. If you are are the type of player that does not like to compete against a lot of cards, choose a session with only 1 level of play. All players will receive the same amount of cards for the same spend. This will increase your odds of winning as you will not be playing against a lot of single pay cards.

3. Play when the jackpots are high

Jackpots are more likely to be WON when they are high. Some bingo players follow jackpots. When jackpots are high or the coverall number is high, typically attendance is up. Why not...Someone has to WIN...It might as well be you. More money at these sessions, but the competition is fierce.


1. Never play more cards than you can watch.

2. Look for available coupons. Halls will often have coupons to direct players to slower days...

3. There are two philosophies for picking numbers for your do-it-yourself: (1) Choose numbers that come out more often. (2) Choose numbers that have come up less frequently as these numbers may be due. If you believe that certain sets of bingo balls have numbers that come up more than other numbers, the first philosophy is one that you ought to choose.

4. The more you play, the more you will win. So don't use all your money on one game. Play as long as you can and as often as your can.

5. Analyze the bingo session

To Analyze Bingo Sessions, apply this formula.

What you would spend / Total possible payout = Bingo Factor.

The smaller the bingo factor, the better...

Example: $50 Spend/ $10,000 Payout = .005


$72 Spend/ $28,000 Payout = .00257

The $28,000 special is better - But there will be more competition.

Bottom smart, hope for the best, and above all, have fun.

Jenynne DeNoble is a bingo manager, entrepreneur, writer and...professional shopper.

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